What Partially-Disabled Workers Need To Know About Workers' Comp Benefits

What Partially-Disabled Workers Need To Know About Workers' Comp Benefits

What Partially-Disabled Workers Need To Know About Workers' Comp Benefits

17 March 2020
, Blog

Most workers hurt on the job return to work after a short time. Short-term workers' comp benefits usually include medical treatment costs and a partial salary. For some workers, an accident or work-related illness changes things forever. Permanent disability can result from a work-related injury, and that means the worker cannot return to their previous position. Other workers may be evaluated and given a partial disability diagnosis. Read on to find out more about what partially-disabled workers need to know about their workers' compensation benefits.

Your Disability Level

Workers' compensation insurance companies have a process for dealing with workers who don't return to work right away. The worker may be asked to take part in an independent medical exam, which is performed by a doctor of the insurer's choice. This exam focuses on the worker's injury and evaluates their ability to return to their previous job. If the worker is ruled to have a permanent disability, they are also told the level of disability.

Disabled former workers may be afflicted with a disability that aligns with a percentage. They might be, for example, be 75% disabled or 50% disabled. These percentage numbers are important because they are connected to the lump-sum monetary payment owed to the worker from the insurer. If you disagree with the exam findings, speak to a workers' compensation lawyer and request further evaluations by doctors of your own choosing.

Future Work

In some cases, partially-disabled workers are able to work at a new job even though they cannot work at their previous one. This is an important consideration because your lump-sum compensation may only pay you for the percentage of work you can no longer do. When you get the settlement offer, be sure it comes with other important benefits like vocational training and job search help. In addition to workers' compensation benefits, some workers can take advantage of state benefits for disabled workers. Whatever your percentage of disability may be, your compensation and your ability to earn money should amount to at least your previous salary, if not more.

Your future is a consideration, and it's important to look ahead when accepting a settlement. If your offer is too low, it's time to speak to a workers' compensation lawyer. Settlements are negotiable, and lawyers understand what you deserve and how to negotiate for it. Once you hear that you are permanently disabled or if you feel you are permanently disabled and are having problems with the insurer, speak to someone at a law firm right away.

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Personal Injury Law and You

In a personal injury claim, as with any other legal procedure, the best weapon you can have on your side is knowledge. Working with an experienced attorney is a good start, but you may not even know if your case is worth pursuing. This blog is for those people who are considering a personal injury claim for the first time, or who are already in the middle of their claim. We've scoured the net and compared several sources to provide you with accurate, reliable information that can apply to any personal injury case. We hope you find our blog useful for navigating your personal injury claim and getting compensation for your injury.
