Security Guards Sometimes Need Help From Worker's Compensation Attorneys

Security Guards Sometimes Need Help From Worker's Compensation Attorneys

Security Guards Sometimes Need Help From Worker's Compensation Attorneys

26 October 2020
, Blog

Security guards have a job that places them on the front line between the property they protect and dangerous criminals. If you are a security guard and you are assaulted and injured while on the job, your medical bills and lost wages should be taken care of by your employer's workers' compensation insurance provider. However, just because you are entitled to benefits, this doesn't mean that you won't have to fight for your right to compensation with the help of a workers' compensation attorney.

Reasons Why Security Guards are Injured

The types of injuries that most often come to mind would be those that result from a confrontation with a criminal. However, security guards can be injured in various other ways such as slipping on a wet floor or developing a medical condition due to being exposed to hazardous chemicals at the workplace.

Benefits for Security Guards

Immediately after you are injured, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses. However, your recovery might take much longer than you think and you may receive long-term benefits after your doctor determines that you have a permanent disability. If you are able to return to work but are only able to work at a reduced state, you will also be entitled to partial benefits.

When to Hire a Workers' Compensation Attorney

You might assume that your claim will be approved but insurance providers will deny claims whenever they believe they can get away with it. Under these circumstances, you should immediately contact an attorney. 

In other cases, your claim may be approved but you may feel that the compensation is not enough to cover your expenses. You may also feel that you're not receiving payments fast enough and you may even be the target of discrimination in retaliation for having reported your injuries.

Two other circumstances where you may need an attorney is if:

  1. Your injuries are more severe than you thought
  2. You would like to apply for Social Security Disability

An attorney can help you weigh your options and help you maximize your benefits. For example, you might be entitled to further compensation if your employer deliberately placed you in harm's way. Depending on state law, you might be able to change your medical provider and you may also be able to receive job training. However, you will need to be proactive when seeking compensation from your employer's insurance provider.

About Me
Personal Injury Law and You

In a personal injury claim, as with any other legal procedure, the best weapon you can have on your side is knowledge. Working with an experienced attorney is a good start, but you may not even know if your case is worth pursuing. This blog is for those people who are considering a personal injury claim for the first time, or who are already in the middle of their claim. We've scoured the net and compared several sources to provide you with accurate, reliable information that can apply to any personal injury case. We hope you find our blog useful for navigating your personal injury claim and getting compensation for your injury.
