Increasing Your Social Security Disability Claim Success

Increasing Your Social Security Disability Claim Success

Increasing Your Social Security Disability Claim Success

8 April 2021
, Blog

The Social Security Disability Insurance program was initiated to support people with disabilities without a stable source of income. While the program is comprehensive and open for all who fit the criteria, many claims are rejected. Many claims fail because the candidates are unaware of the application's legibility requirements. The outcomes have denied many deserving people their Social Security Disability claims, impoverishing their households. However, candidates may increase their application success by understanding the Social Security Disability claims process. The following ways improve your chances of winning your disability claims:

Completing the Claims Process

Incomplete applications are one of the reasons many people have been denied their Social Security Disability claims. To avoid the situation, gather all your documents before you start the application. While the basic questions are limited to nationality, age, marital status, and family history, many questions will linger around your health. In some cases, the information required goes back over fifteen years and will require extensive research to satisfy the requirement. Thus, it is helpful to take time beforehand to prepare for the application process. 

Providing Sufficient Medical Evidence

Many Social Security Disability claims have been lost due to insufficient medical evidence. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is often overwhelmed with applications, and mistakes happen, leading to loss of documentation. You must ensure you organize your medical records to ensure they are accounted for during submission. After the application, continue to gather more medical information to back your claim. Requesting additional tests from your doctor is a sure way to provide the SSA with up-to-date information, which will expedite the application process. All medical information is relevant to the SSA, and none should be left out. Many people fail to include some medical information because they consider it unnecessary or unrelated to their disability. 

Seeking Legal and Medical Assistance

It is crucial to the claim that you maintain a good relationship with relevant stakeholders, including your doctor and Social Security Disability lawyer. The relationship is meaningful because a judge or a reviewer of the claims will rarely go against your physician's opinion. The claims reviewer will consider the application based on the consistency and supportability of medical opinions, not necessarily the applicant's physician. Thus, a Social Security Disability attorney is essential in ensuring that you submit a comprehensive claim. The attorney may recommend getting a written statement from your healthcare provider to enhance your claim's eligibility. For example, you may ask your doctor to fill a Residual Functional Capacity evaluation to prompt the SSA to approve your Social Security Disability claim. 

Contact a local Social Security Disability lawyer to learn more or to get help.

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Personal Injury Law and You

In a personal injury claim, as with any other legal procedure, the best weapon you can have on your side is knowledge. Working with an experienced attorney is a good start, but you may not even know if your case is worth pursuing. This blog is for those people who are considering a personal injury claim for the first time, or who are already in the middle of their claim. We've scoured the net and compared several sources to provide you with accurate, reliable information that can apply to any personal injury case. We hope you find our blog useful for navigating your personal injury claim and getting compensation for your injury.
